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Writing a will: how does it work?

Writing a will should not be taken lightly.


When your last wishes are followed up, you won't be there to change them!


Your will must be adapted to your family, financial and professional situation. These situations vary over time, and this is why it is necessary to check your will from time to time to ensure that it still adequately meets your wishes and the needs of your family members.


Your will must also take into account the tax impact of legacies. It is better to leave more to your heirs and less to the tax authorities! Your notary specializes in inheritance law. He will review your family and financial situation with you and advise you on planning your estate.

Why make a notarized will?

One of the advantages of a notarized will?

We keep the original in our vault protected from bad weather (fire, theft etc.) So even if you lose your will or even if someone destroys it, the original is always kept in a safe place.


You can contact us to request another copy.

There are several reasons to make a will with a notary. Here are a few:

  • Simplify the life of your loved ones after your death.

  • Transmit your wealth by maximizing it.

  • Provide for the remittance of legacies even after your death 

  • Provide for the remittance of legacies for minor children

  • Make it so that your ex-spouse cannot touch, or even manage, the sums you bequeath to your children?

  • And more

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