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  • Équipe | CMVR Notaires

    CMVR: notaries, lawyer & mediators Delighted! CMVR is a team of notaries, lawyers and mediators, in the Montreal region, which has forged a reputation for quality in the field of real estate, estate settlements, wills and mandates of incapacity, family mediation, divorce or for help you start or update your business. NOTAIRES LAURENCE CARRIERE-MARLEAU , LL.B., DDN, notary After obtaining her bachelor's degree in psychology at UQAM in 2006, Me Carrière-Marleau decided to apply her interest in relationships in a field that involves logic and norms. This is why she began her studies in law at the University of Montreal in 2007. Then, considering that the notarial profession constitutes the most human field of law, she completed her Diplôme d'études Notariale (DDN) at the Université of Sherbrooke. By her empathetic and calm nature as well as by her great listening skills, Notary Carrière-Marleau has forged a reputation for quality towards her clients, making her a valued professional. As a notary, she will always be available to advise you and allow you to make informed decisions at all stages of your life. Magali Drouin, LL.B. LL.M., notary Magali Drouin has been working for CMVR NOTAIRES, ATTORNEYS AND MEDIATORS since the summer of 2018 as a legal intern. Graduated in April 2018 from the bachelor's degree in law and in 2019 from the master's degree in notarial law from the University of Sherbrooke, she was sworn in as a notary in April 2020. Hard-working and conscientious, Magali has the best interests of clients as a priority and will be able to conduct your files in a rigorous and impartial manner while providing personalized service according to your needs. Whatever your request, she will take the necessary time to guide and enlighten you. Élodie Léger, notaire GABRIELLE VACHON ROY , LL.L., LL.M., notary Notary Vachon Roy completed her studies in Civil Law at the University of Ottawa and completed her Master's degree in Notarial Law. Notary since 2012 and member of the Chambre des notaires du Québec, she has also completed the necessary training to become a family mediator. Founder of the CMVR notaires business, she has contributed to its growth and has also been teaching future real estate brokers at the Collège d'Enseignement de l'Immobilier since 2019. Her preferred fields of practice are human rights, family mediation, real estate, non-contentious procedures, as well as commercial law. Listening to her clients, she will be able to offer you sound advice for all occasions. Andréanne Bérubé, notaire Andréanne Bérubé a terminé son baccalauréat en droit à l'Université du Québec à Montréal en décembre 2019 et sa maitrise en droit notarial à l'Université de Sherbrooke en 2021. Elle fut assermentée en tant que notaire au début de l’année 2022. De nature calme et réservée, Andréanne vous mettra en confiance durant ces événements qui peuvent parfois être de l'inconnu pour certains d'entre vous. Elle a à cœur le bien-être de ses clients et les conseille afin qu’ils prennent des décisions éclairées. Sara Labelle, notaire Me Geneviève Duclos Paré completed her law studies at the University of Ottawa in 2014. As soon as she was admitted to the Quebec Bar, she opened her office where she focused her practice in family law. She represents her clients in disputed cases at the Superior Court relating to custody, child support and divorce applications. Building on her experience as a litigator, Me Duclos Paré joined the CMVR notaires firm in 2019 and obtained her accreditation in family mediation. Listening to her clients, she is keen to find appropriate solutions for each of them. Xavier Fontaine, notaire AVOCATES Geneviève Duclos Paré, lawyer Me Geneviève Duclos Paré termine ses études en Droit à l’Université d’Ottawa en 2014. Dès son admission au Barreau du Québec, elle ouvre son bureau où elle concentre sa pratique en droit familial. Elle y représente ses clients dans des dossiers contestés à la Cour Supérieure relatif à la garde, la pension alimentaire pour enfants et les demandes de divorce. Forte de son expérience à titre d’avocate plaideuse, Me Duclos Paré se joint à l’étude CMVR notaires en 2019 et obtient son accréditation en médiation familiale. À l’écoute de ses clients, elle est soucieuse de trouver des solutions appropriées pour chacun d’eux Claudia Maheu, avocate Me Claudia Maheu est membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 2014 et médiatrice familiale accréditée depuis 2018. Elle est également membre du Jeune Barreau de Montréal, de l’Association des avocats et avocates en droit familial du Québec et de l’Association de médiation familiale du Québec. Me Maheu consacre sa pratique à la médiation familiale et aux modes de règlement à l’amiable. En plus de son expérience et expertise en droit de la famille, Me Maheu est une ancienne enseignante à l’école secondaire, ce qui lui permet de bien comprendre et connaître la nature des enjeux entourant les enfants. All your life, you are called upon to make important decisions that produce legal effects. Just think of marriage, divorce, buying property and financing it, forming a business, writing a will, and so on. However, faced with the proliferation of laws and their growing complexity, you cannot measure and assess the legal implications of such decisions yourself. By training in law, the notary can help you make informed choices. Our colleague Laurence explains the role of a notary. Why do business with a notary? The notary being a jurist with an obligation of impartiality by virtue of his status as a public officer, we say of him that he is a jurist of the cartel. His role is to protect all parties and to work to find the most equitable and directed solution according to their needs. Compared to lawyers, the notary stands out because he directs his actions according to a preventive intervention in order to avoid working in the field of conflicts. In the course of a lifetime, it is inevitable that couples, families or companies need to use the services of a notary and therefore he becomes an important ally for them. Because of his skills, the notary is there to advise you legally and to enable you to make informed choices with full knowledge. Consulting the notary, only to make an informed decision, will avoid future conflicts and litigation that can prove costly. In addition to his status as a public officer, the notary gives the documents he signs an authentic character and therefore a document which itself is proof of its content, its accuracy and the signatures it contains. In addition to this advantage, the notarized document cannot be lost or altered, because it will be kept in the notary's office in perpetuity even after the cessation of his practice. CMVR Notaries: our specialties Will Succession Real estate Protection mandate Corporate Buy Sell

  • Contact | CMVR Notaires

    PRENONS UN RENDEZ-VOUS CMVR Notaries: 4 offices on the South Shore of Montreal Do not hesitate to contact us We are here to help you in all stages of your life. Call us Write U.S To send CMVR Notaries | Attorney & Mediators 505 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Boulevard, Beloeil, Quebec, J3G 4H8 Phone: 450 649 5115 | 699 Adoncour Street, Longueuil (QC) J4G 2M6 Bureau Châteauguay (sur rendez-vous) 144, boulevard Saint-Jean-Baptiste, suite 1 Châteauguay, Québec J6K 3B2 Tel: 450 649 5115 Bureau Saint-Hyacinthe (sur rendez-vous) 1615 All. du Marché, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec J2S 8E4 Tel: 450 649 5115 Bureau Sainte-Catherine (sur rendez-vous) 5002 route 132 Sainte-Catherine, Québec J5C 1L8 Tel: 450 649 5115

  • CMVR Notaires, avocat & médiateurs | Beloeil | Québec | Canada

    CMVR est une équipe de notaires, avocat et médiateurs à Beloeil, Longueuil & Châteauguay. Notaire en achat & vente de maison et hypothèque. Comment régler une succession : notaire mandat d'inaptitude rive sud de montréal & notaire succession à Beloeil. CMVR notaires fait de la médiation familiale. take the good ones DECISIONS CMVR notaries, mediators & lawyer The CMVR Study is made up of three notaries, an intern and a family mediator lawyer who together rely on a dynamic approach and personalized service. Our firm, established in the region for several years, has forged a reputation for quality in the field of real estate, estate settlements, wills and mandates of incapacity, family mediation, divorce or even to help you start or update your business. Our multidisciplinary team allows us to offer you a full range of services in which we will become valuable advisors present at all the important stages of your life. You will find on our site, informative texts on the different areas of notarial law. Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or request a quote online.

  • Corporatif | CMVR Notaires

    PARLONS DROITS DE VOTRE ENTREPRISE company book The notary is the reference person at the time of your incorporation. Managing a company's minute book is a field of practice exclusive to notaries and lawyers. Since all incorporated companies are required to have such a book, the notary happens to be the reference person at the time of your incorporation. This book is the compendium of the company, it contains all the documents necessary for it, i.e. the certificate of incorporation, the resolutions, the minutes of the meetings, the registers of directors, securities, share certificates, etc In addition to helping you compile this book, the notary offers book updating services. As this is an obligation, it is important to ensure that the company's book is updated annually, otherwise this can lead to major consequences. In particular, a well-executed annual update facilitates tax audits, the granting of financing, etc. Our team can therefore help and direct you to create and support the annual update of your company's book. This book can be kept in our study and therefore, in unparalleled security. Agreement between shareholders It is time when everything is going well in society to plan everything before conflicts can take place. When owning a company, it is important to plan everything so that nothing is left to chance. A shareholder agreement involves several important legal aspects which the partners must clearly understand and that is why a notary is the important adviser in this service. Through his studies, the notary will explain to you the rights and obligations generated by such an agreement and therefore you will be able to make an informed choice. More specifically, a shareholder agreement is a contract aimed at determining in advance the terms and conditions applicable in several situations such as the sale of shares by a shareholder, the death of the latter, future disputes between shareholders, etc. In this agreement, it is possible to withdraw certain powers from the administrators and give them to the shareholders who will exercise them themselves or without doing so, to impose specific requirements about major decisions. Did you know that: The unanimous agreement does not replace the will of each shareholder. The shareholders therefor cannot foresee what each one should indicate in his or her individual will and a unanimous agreement could prevent becoming a co-shareholder with the children of a deceased co-shareholder. Company incorporation During the incorporation of the company, our team of lawyers will be present for you in order to choose the right legal structure according to your interests. In Quebec, several legal forms are available for business people wishing to start their business, sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Since each of these legal forms has advantages and disadvantages, it is important to consult a notary to find out more about them. Together with other professionals such as tax experts, the notary will develop an action plan with you to enable you to create the company that will meet your objectives. Business Incorporation: 5 Factors to consider To identify the type of business best suited to your needs, you must consider certain factors, among others: the presence or absence of business partners; costs relating to the establishment and management of the business; how the profits and losses of the business will be allocated; tax consequences; the geographic scope of your activities (activities limited to Quebec, Canada or around the world). Corporate reorganization Corporate restructuring is a set of operations by which the legal structure of a company is transformed. Corporate reorganization may be desirable to take advantage of certain tax advantages, both for you and for your company. The corporate reorganization can be done in particular by exchanging shares that you hold for non-participating shares of your company and new shares could be held by a management company of which you would also be a shareholder and/or partly with your children. . This type of transaction could allow you to benefit from a capital gains exemption. In other situations, the corporate reorganization could allow you to recover certain tax losses of one company by another. The reorganization will depend on your personal circumstances, the assets of your company and other factors. This work is done in conjunction with our team of tax specialists and accountants in order to achieve unparalleled results. Purchases & sales of shares The notary can intervene in the protection of the new shareholder in his purchase and also advise the seller for the sale of his shares. The role of the notary is important during the sale and purchase of shares since the seller sells to the buyer not only the assets of the company, but also its liabilities. Verifications will have to be carried out by the notary and he can then draft the contract for the sale of shares by including all the relevant clauses, including the declarations and guarantees of the seller. The notary can also provide other protections such as terms of payment and guarantees for the seller in the event of non-payment selling price, non-competition clauses, etc. The notary will complete this transaction by preparing all the required corporate documents to a sale of stock such as resolutions, resignations, stock certificates, etc.

  • Quittance d'une propriété | CMVR Notaires Beloeil

    CMVR Notaires analyse votre dossier d’achat ou vente selon les divers documents fournis. Le notaire procédera à un examen des titres, soit une vérification diligente des titres de propriété afin d’acheter un titre clair. PARLONS QUITTANCE D'HYPOTHÈQUE What is a loan discharge? A loan discharge is a mandatory step to free yourself from a mortgage loan. Indeed, it is the document showing that the creditor acknowledges having received the amounts due to him and therefore that he agrees to cancel the mortgage published on the land register. It is necessary to free oneself from a mortgage loan, even if the balance of this loan is zero. In particular, this is required when repaying a mortgage loan, selling a property or refinancing. What is the difference between a loan discharge and a waiver? A loan discharge is a document in which the creditor certifies that he has received all the sums owed to him and that he agrees to release the building which had been given as security. As for the release, it suspends the rights of the creditor on a building, but does not certify that all the sums due have been paid. For example, the release could be used in the case where several buildings have been given as security but only one must be removed from the mortgage. Contact us to discuss The main steps for a loan discharge Here are the main steps that the notary will perform in a loan discharge file: 1) Verification of the identities of the parties. 2) Verification of account statements and mortgage balance. 3) Research the obligations and charges secured by the loan (line of credit, legal construction mortage, etc.). 4) Loan repayment 5) Publication of the receipt in the Quebec Land Registry.

  • Servitude d'une propriété | CMVR Notaires Beloeil

    CMVR Notaires analyse votre dossier d’achat ou vente selon les divers documents fournis. Le notaire procédera à un examen des titres, soit une vérification diligente des titres de propriété afin d’acheter un titre clair. PARLONS SERVITUDE Land easement How does land easement work? The notary is the designated adviser for the drafting of a deed of easement. In general, an easement is attached to a property and not to the owners of it. It is created in favor of property or other property, a person or a public service. Since it is attached to the property, it follows the building even in the event of a sale. The nature of the easement can be multiple, it can be of passage, of view, of drawing water etc, and it can even guarantee obligations. Whatever its nature, it is important to properly identify it and understand its impacts. In order to fully understand the duties and obligations of this easement, it is important to consult a notary who will provide you with all the relevant information in order to make an enlightened choice about it. There are also so-called personal easements which are generally temporary and disappear when the property is sold. They are granted in order to favor a particular person and not a property. Some common examples of easement of land: A right of way in favor of Hydro-Québec on your land to allow them access to your property. A view easement regulating a view that would be illegal due to the distance of a window from it on a neighbor's property. A tolerance easement allowing the author of the encroachment to maintain in good condition what has been built on the property of his neighbour. Contact us to discuss

  • Refinancement hypothécaire d'une propriété | CMVR Notaires Beloeil

    CMVR Notaires analyse votre dossier d’achat ou vente selon les divers documents fournis. Le notaire procédera à un examen des titres, soit une vérification diligente des titres de propriété afin d’acheter un titre clair. PARLONS REFINANCEMENT HYPOTHÉCAIRE How does a mortgage refinance work? Whether it is to increase the current loan, to obtain a line of credit or to obtain a better interest rate, the notary will accompany you in the signature of your refinancing. Refinancing consists of signing a new mortgage according to the desired terms and repaying the old one according to the balance that we will have obtained. The new mortgage will be published in the land register and the old one will be cancelled. Why use mortgage refinancing: In a refinance, the debtor will get the equity in their property, which is the difference between the value of the property minus the current mortgage balance. Here are several reasons to refinance your property:  Renovations  Travel  Studies of your children  Line of credit  Retirement Contact us to discuss

  • Hypothèque | CMVR Notaires, avocat & méditeurs | Montréal

    CMVR Notaires analyse votre dossier d’achat ou vente selon les divers documents fournis. Le notaire procédera à un examen des titres, soit une vérification diligente des titres de propriété afin d’acheter un titre clair. PARLONS HYPOTHÈQUE How does a mortgage work? ? A mortgage is a right, related to a property, which is given by a person as security when refinancing or buying a property. The main obligation generated by this mortgage is the obligation to pay by the debtor all sums due to the creditor. If the debtor defaults on this obligation, the creditor may use the hypothecary remedies granted to him by law. For this mortgage to be valid, the parties must sign before a notary. Only the notary has the authority to sign such a document under the Civil Code of Quebec under penalty of nullity. The notary will then publish the mortgage on the land register in order to make it public. We are therefore present at this stage to draw up all the relevant documents and advise you on the rights and obligations arising from the mortgage. What you need to know about the mortgage: Many homeowners don't know it, but their entire property is mortgaged. With the subsidiary mortgage, more and more financial institutions take out a guarantee on 100% of the value of the property, sometimes even any further. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Inform yourself.

  • Achat & vente d'une propriété | CMVR Notaires Beloeil

    CMVR Notaires analyse votre dossier d’achat ou vente selon les divers documents fournis. Le notaire procédera à un examen des titres, soit une vérification diligente des titres de propriété afin d’acheter un titre clair. PARLONS ACHAT ET VENTE D'UNE PROPRIÉTÉ How buying or selling works of one property? Buying a property can be as exciting as it is stressful for buyers. Buyers must make many decisions in this complex area of law. The notary therefore plays an important role in their informed decision-making. First of all, your purchase/sale file will be analyzed in depth according to the various preliminary documents provided. Following this analysis, the notary will also proceed to a title review, which is a due diligence of the title deeds in order to purchase a clear title. In addition to verifying the identity of the parties, the notary also makes sure to have the money in his trust account prior to the transaction to ensure the smooth progress of your file. The relevant documents will then be drafted by the notary. Purchase of a condominium The notary will adjust his advice and tasks according to the type of property you are buying. For example, the purchase of a condominium involves several additional checks. The notary will verify the declaration of co-ownership and its modifications in order to inform you of the easements that may be present, the restrictions, the uses authorized, etc. Also, the notary will check the financial statements to ensure that the contingency fund is sufficient to pay for work that may arise in the future. A verification of the special contributions that have already been voted will also take place in order to avoid surprises when receiving the notice of payment. The notary also obtains a form completed by the syndicate of co-ownership in order to protect the buyer, in particular if there are arrears in the condo fees, if legal proceedings are initiated against the seller and other situations that may cause harm to the buyer. As you can see, the acquisition of a co-ownership requires several checks in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises and the notary is the ideal advisor to assist you in your efforts. Find out more about the legal guarantee Under the law, the seller is bound by the legal guarantee towards his buyer. This warranty includes the warranty of title and the warranty of quality. Guarantee of property rights The seller must guarantee the buyer a “good and valid title deed”. In other words, the seller vouches for his right of ownership of the building. The quality guarantee The seller is also bound by the quality guarantee, that is to say the guarantee against hidden defects. The quality guarantee only covers major defects which exist during the sale, which are unknown to the buyer and which a careful and diligent buyer could not have discovered. The sale made without legal warranty To the extent permitted by law, the parties may agree and decide to extend or reduce the scope of the legal warranty. It is therefore possible to sell without legal warranty if a clause in the contract provides for it. However, the seller can never free himself from his personal facts. A professional seller cannot be released from liability for defects that he knew or could not ignore and that he did not reveal. Who pays the fees? The costs to cover everything related to the real estate transaction are the responsibility of the buyer. However, since the seller must provide clear title, if the property is mortgaged, the seller will be responsible for the expense of preparing the discharge. Also, the latter must reimburse the notary for the costs incurred by the latter, in particular the costs for obtaining tax certificates, surveyor fees, fees for issuing a new certificate of location, brokerage fees, title insurance fees, etc. When is a new certificate of location mandatory? When selling the property, the seller agrees, through the promise to purchase, to provide a clear title. By the same token, the latter must provide buyers with a certificate of location representing the current state of the premises. The property must therefore not have been subject to a cadastral renovation resulting in a modification of the lot number and no construction not appearing on the current certificate of location must have been made. Moreover, since the Ostiguy c. Allie judgement, the certificate of location must be dated no more than 10 years to the day. Sellers will need to order a new one if the issue date of the one in their possession is more than 10 years old.

  • Droits en immobilier | CMVR Notaires, avocat & médiateurs | Beloeil

    CMVR est une équipe de notaires, avocat et médiateurs, de Beloeil et Brossard. Notaires excellents en achat & vente de maison et hypothèque. Comment faire pour régler une succession : notaire pour mandat d'inaptitude à Brossard & notaire pour succession à Beloeil. VOS DROITS IMMOBILIERS Whether in the field of real estate, family, non-contentious procedures, estate settlements, wills and mandates of incapacity or to help you start or update your business, our team of professionals will become valuable advisers and will be present at all the important stages of your life. Purchase & sale of property During the acquisition or sale of property, the notary performs several steps to protect all parties to the deed. Learn more Refinancing Renegotiating your mortgage loan involves the signing of several legal documents and your notary will be there to advise you on this subject. Learn more Mortgage Whether you are buying your very first house, renovating your current property, signing a mortgage will allow you to realize your projects. Learn more Servitude An easement consists of a charge imposed on a property in favor of another property or a person and involves several important legal consequences to be aware of. Loan Discharge The notary can proceed with the publication in the land register of the loan discharge which will prove to everyone that you have paid your debt and that the mortgage you had is extinguished. Learn more Learn more

  • Comment régler une succession | CMVR Notaires Beloeil

    CMVR Notaires fera des rencontres faites avec vous, votre ex-conjoint(e) et le médiateur où vous négocier les modalités de votre séparation dans un cadre structuré. Le médiateur s’assure que les parties aient une communication efficace et constructive. PARLONS SUCCESSION How does inheritance work? You want to settle the estate of a loved one and you fear that the process will be cumbersome and arduous? We will accompany you step by step through each stage of the estate settlement in order to make this stage as simple as possible so that you can fully concentrate on your grieving process. The usual succession procedure includes in particular: funerals; obtaining proof of death; the search for the will; the opening and inventory of the safety deposit box; opening an account in the name of the estate with a financial institution; probation of the will; analysis of testamentary dispositions; determination of heirs; the appointment of the liquidator; preparation of the inventory; claims for life insurance benefits, annuities and benefits; filing income tax returns and paying taxes where applicable; the liquidation of the family patrimony and matrimonial rights where applicable; publication of any notice required by law; exercise of the heirs' option; the administration of estate assets; the payment of specific debts and bequests; transfer of property; accountability; the division of estate assets. Consult a notary so that he can explain to you which steps of this process apply to your situation. contact us What is the deadline for settling an estate? The time taken to fully settle an estate depends largely on the specifics of each file. On average, it is six months (this is also the deadline imposed for the acceptance or refusal of the succession) The refusal of an inheritance If it happens that a relative dies leaving more debts than assets, it is possible for you to renounce the succession. You then have 6 months to sign a notarial deed of renunciation of the succession. It is important in this interval not to take any action that could constitute an acceptance of the succession, such as withdrawing sums from the account of the deceased or appropriating property belonging to him. The file will then be sent to Revenu Québec, which will liquidate the estate. If several people are to inherit, it is often advantageous for them to sign the deed of renunciation together in order to share the costs. Death of a loved one without a will When a person dies without a will, then the law determines who will inherit and in what proportions. Once the will searches have been received, the first step will thus consist of signing a declaration of inheritance which will establish who the heirs are and, in certain cases, appoint a liquidator. Thereafter, the succession can follow its normal course.

  • Médiation familiale | CMVR Notaires, avocat & médiateurs

    CMVR est une équipe de notaires, avocat et médiateurs à Beloeil, Brossard & St-Hubert. Notaire en achat & vente de maison et mandat inaptitude. Comment régler une succession : notaire mandat d'inaptitude à Brossard & notaire succession à Beloeil. CMVR notaires fait de la médiation familiale. PARLONS MÉDIATION FAMILIALE How does the separation of my couple work? Êtes-vous admissible à des séances de médiation familiale gratuites? Des séances de médiation familiale sont offertes gratuitement dans le cadre d'une séparation pour un certain nombre d'heures. Le nombre d'heures varie selon la situation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez. Remplissez notre court questionnaire afin de savoir si vous êtes admissible. Cliquez ici In addition, you and your ex-spouse can no longer communicate when you discuss problematic subjects. Consider the family mediation process! These are meetings with you, your ex-spouse and the mediator where you negotiate the terms of your separation within a structured framework. The mediator ensures that the parties have effective and constructive communication and that everyone can put forward their point of view. The objective is to identify the source of the problems and find appropriate solutions. You are in the process of separating and you have questions to which you would like to know the answers in order to make the right decision : How does family mediation work? Les parents ont la possibilité d'assister à une séance d'information sur la parentalité après la rupture. Cette séance de groupe est offerte gratuitement par le Ministère de la justice: Séance d’information de groupe sur la parentalité après la rupture - Ministère de la Justice ( In order to encourage parents to use the services of a family mediator, the government pays the fees of family mediators in the following situations : A couple with minor or adult dependent children is entitled to : 5 hours of mediation , as part of a separation process. 2.5 hours of mediation , in the case of a request for review of a judgment or an agreement, or if you have already benefited, with your ex-spouse, from family mediation services or if you have already obtained a judgment in separation from bed and board. How does family mediation work? Nous offrons des rendez-vous dans un délai rapid e, e n présentiel ou en visioconférence. Cela nous permet de vous offrir un service impeccable, et ce, peu importe où vous vous trouvez! According to the Family Mediation Regulations: If overtime is required to finalize the mediation process, the mediator's rates shall be $110.00 per hour as provided in the Family Mediation Regulation. We also offer family mediation to couples who are not eligible for the government subsidy according to our hourly rate. You can contact us for any information. contact us Pour plus d'informations sur la médiation familiale, nous vous invitons à consulter le site du Ministère de la Justice du Québec : La médiation familiale, pour négocier une entente équitable - Ministère de la Justice (

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