Marriage & civil union: how does it work?
Marriage or civil union is much more than a celebration.
Before exchanging your vows, consult your notary: a reliable source. Each notary makes sure to respect your requests so that the ceremony is as you imagined it. With our personalized approach and the desire to make this event as in your dreams, our celebrants are a sure choice for future spouses.
Whatever the place of your marriage or your civil union, it is with pleasure that we will travel to unite you in the name of the law.
What are the steps prior to the celebration of marriage?
Before the ceremony, the notary will meet with you to explain the process of your union in depth and take note of your suggestions in order to prepare an event worthy of your expectations.
The notary also takes the time to inform you of the effects of marriage or civil union on your family patrimony as well as the financial impact. Through his advice, you will know what to expect before and during your marriage.
The purpose of this first meeting is to prepare you and therefore, to make the most of your union on D-Day.

Do you know that your notary is a
official authorized by law?

What you need to know about civil union:
The Civil Code recognizes the competence of the notary to solemnize marriages and civil unions.
The services that your notary is able to provide you go well beyond the sole celebration.
Your notary is a matrimonial law specialist and can inform and advise you on all the legal aspects of your union!
Your wishes, are our commitment.
Marriage contract: how does it work?
The marriage contract or civil union is a certain value for the spouses.
This official document allows you to determine in advance the division of your assets if an unexpected situation arises such as a divorce, a separation or the dissolution of a civil union. Simple and quick, this contract will prevent many conflicts and give you peace of mind. Moreover, it can always be modified at will by both parties.
A marriage or civil union contract discussed, drafted and filed with the notary saves on legal costs while sparing you stress.
For example, did you know that the law already provides that the property must be separated at 50% – 50%?
However, it does not indicate in which order or the destinations of the unique goods of the division. Consulting us will allow you and your future spouse to protect your family patrimony and your assets. Thanks to our experienced notaries, you will be advised on the distribution of assets, such as properties, vehicles. Then you can unite with peace of mind.
The notary… essential!
The marriage contract must be notarized, that is to say signed by the spouses in the presence of a notary. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a notary. He can advise you on the usefulness of the marriage contract according to your situation.

When to make a marriage contract?
The marriage contract can be made by the spouses before the celebration of the marriage. It then enters into force from the day of the celebration of the marriage. A future spouse under the age of 18 must obtain permission from the Court before making a marriage contract. The Court will also seek the opinion of his parents.
The marriage contract can also be made after the celebration of the marriage. The contract then enters into force on the day of its signature. If the contract provides, for example, for a change of matrimonial regime, this puts an end to the matrimonial regime that existed between the day of the wedding and the signing of the marriage contract. Thus, there may be a division for assets accumulated during this period.
To know the consequences of signing a marriage contract after your marriage, consult a notary.
4 advantages of having a marriage contract
Do I have to pay child support and how much will it cost me?La loi prévoit, dans la majorité des cas, l’application d’un modèle québécois pour le calcul de la pension alimentaire lorsque les deux parents résident au Québec. Ce modèle tient compte, entre autres, du revenu des deux parents, du nombre d’enfants, du temps de garde et de certains frais additionnels relatifs aux besoins des enfants, s’il y a lieu. La pension alimentaire est donc différente pour chaque couple puisqu’elle tient compte de la réalité propre à chacun d’eux.
Will I make it financially?La séparation d’un couple apporte les gens à revoir leur planification financière puisqu’il n’y a plus deux salaires combinés pour assumer les dépenses de la famille. Certaines de ces dépenses devront maintenant être payées en double ou augmenteront. On peut notamment penser aux coûts reliés aux logements, aux assurances, aux télécommunications, à l’achat de nouveaux meubles et autres.
If I don't have custody of my children, do I lose the ability to make decisions for my children?Il existe plusieurs notions juridiques touchant les enfants mineurs tel que la garde, les droits d’accès et l’autorité parentale. L'autorité parentale, est un ensemble de droits et d'obligations que les parents ont envers leurs enfants et donne le droit aux parents de prendre toutes les décisions nécessaires au bien-être de leurs enfants. Ainsi même si un des parents à la garde des enfants mineurs, l’autre parent conserve quand même son autorité parentale.
How do we proceed to share our property?Si vous êtes mariés ou unis civilement les règles du patrimoine familiale et de votre régime matrimonial s’appliqueront à votre séparation.